Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Nowhere in Particular's Treasure of the Humble (7/10)

I'm a big fan of Dayton's Toxic Brew Company.  When I heard that one of their brewmasters sort of moonlights as the gypsy brewery Nowhere in Particular, I knew I had to try his beer.  (A "gypsy brewer" is one without a brewery of his own, who borrows or rents brewing facilities to produce his beers.)  Nowhere in Particular produces one-off beers which are sold for a while and may never be brewed again.

Treasure of the Humble is a Belgian Golden Strong Ale brewed with Agave Nectar, a little rye, and Harkules hops (according to the brewer's Facebook page).  It's 10.4% alcohol by volume, and is described as having a "dry" flavor.

The beer pours a slightly orange gold color with creamy white head that lasts a little while and leaves behind thick white lacing that gradually reincorporates into the beer.

The aroma is fruity like most Belgian ales and has a hoppy bite to it from the Herkules hops.

The flavor corresponds well to the aroma.  It starts malty and mildly sweet, with some Belgian fruitiness.  This gives way fairly quickly to the hops.  The hops bitterness, while mild to moderate, dominates the rest of the flavor and the aftertaste.  It's more bitter than I care for, but not so bitter that I'd class it with the IPAs and Pale Ales.

I'm giving it a 7 out of 10, mostly because I don't care for the bitterness of the Herkules hops.  Other than this, I really like the beer.  It's not too fruity, not too malty, not too sweet.  If it had a less intense bitterness, I can imagine this being a 9 or a 10 for me.

If you want to try Treasure of the Humble, I strongly recommend making a trip to The Daily Growler in Upper Arlington as soon as you can.  The odds are good that when they run out of it, you might not see this beer again - or at least not for a while.

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