Tuesday, May 5, 2015

The Daily Growler Raising Funds for a Crowler Truck

If you've ever visited the Upper Arlington or Powell locations of The Daily Growler, you know they're famous for offering 59 taps of fresh, cold craft beer by the 5-ounce sample, 16-ounce glass, 32-ounce growler, or half-gallon growler... plus one tap of root beer made with John's secret recipe.

What you may not know is that John Blakely, the owner of The Daily Growler, recently started an IndieGoGo campaign to buy a "Crowler Truck" for the business.

What's a crowler?  As you can see on the Oskar Blues web site, a crowler is 32-ounce aluminum can that can be filled with craft beer and sealed on the spot.  A typical glass growler is only good for a few days before the beer begins to go flat and lose some of its flavor.  An aluminum crowler will hold the carbonation and flavor for much longer, as long as a month!  Since it's aluminum, you can easily recycle it when you're finished.

John's planning to build a mobile crowler station into a truck.  This will allow The Daily Growler to bring its products to festivals, private events, local breweries, and maybe even home brewers who want their beers canned for later drinking.

There are a variety of funding levels available, from $1 to $3,500.  Each offers different perks to the contributor.  For instance, at the $150 contribution level, you'll receive a "Crowler of the Month Club" membership that gets you 12 vouchers good for 1 Crowler of your choice each month and a limited edition beer can style Daily Crowler pint glass.

The Daily Growler is one of my favorite places to enjoy craft beer in Columbus, and I'm excited by the possibilities for a "Daily Crowler Truck" so I'm already a contributor.  If you've enjoyed a beer at "The Growler" as I have, you may want to drop a few bucks in John's hat, too.  It's a great way to support a local business and improve the already great options for craft beer around town.

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