Friday, April 22, 2016

Cigar City Brewing Jai Alai IPA (5/10)

This week concludes our three-beer tour of the Miami area with Cigar City Brewing's Jai Alai India Pale Ale (IPA).  Cigar City Brewing of Tampa produces this beer.

It pours slightly hazy amber color with thick white head that lasts a while.

As would be expected for an IPA, the aroma is hoppy, loaded with pine and grapefruit.

The flavor, also as expected for an IPA, is predominantly hops and grapefruit.

Not being an IPA fan, the beer gets a mere 5 out of 10 from me.  I don't know that I've ever rated an IPA higher than that. That doesn't mean it's a bad IPA.  In fact Rate Beer gives it a 99 out of 100 overall and Beer Advocate gives it a 100 out of 100 or "outstanding" rating.  If you like IPAs, then you'll definitely want to check this one out when you're in Florida.  If, like me, you don't care for the style... well... this one isn't going to change your mind about it.  It's a typical American IPA as far as I'm concerned.

As far as I know, Cigar City isn't shipping its beer into Ohio yet, so you'll need to take a road trip south to try it.

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