Friday, May 23, 2014

5 Rabbit Paletas #2 Watermelon (8/10)

This fruit flavored wheat beer hails from 5 Rabbit Cerveceria of Bedford Park, Illinois, near Chicago.  The 5 Rabbit brewery lends a Hispanic flair to their beers and naming, including this brew.  “Paletas” refers to a Hispanic street food which includes frozen fruit juices and spices.  Their Frozen Guava Pop was reviewed last week.

The beer pours a very cloudy orangey gold with a white head that lasts a while, leaving behind thick sheets of lacing.

The aroma has a strong watermelon note with a hint of banana from the wheat beer.

The flavor starts with a strong hit of watermelon followed by a sweet wheat backing. Hops has no business in a beer named after what is essentially a popsicle, and the 5 Rabbit brewmasters make sure it takes a back seat here.  You’ll have a hard time finding it in the flavor.  It is extremely easy to drink and the watermelon flavor is prominent but not overwhelming, pretty much the way you’d want it to be.

Both Rate Beer and Beer Advocate have too few reviews of the beer as of this writing to quote an actual rating yet.  If you extrapolate from the few ratings already posted, it gets something in the 75-80 range.  That’s consistent with my own 8 out of 10 rating for this beer.

Since this is a draft-only and somewhat limited-edition brew, you are probably only going to find it in Columbus if you’re a bit lucky.  I tasted it last year when it was offered at The Daily Growler in Upper Arlington.  You won’t find it on store shelves, though it might make an appearance at growler stations around town.

Flavor Profile:
Sweet, Malty, Dry, Bitter, or Sour:  Malty
Spice Level:  Very Low
Hops Level:  Very Low
Dominant Flavors:  Watermelon, wheat
ABV: 3.5%
IBU:  16
My Rating:  8/10

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