Friday, May 16, 2014

5 Rabbit Paletas #1 Frozen Guava Pop (6/10)

The 5 Rabbit Cerveceria produces a range of beers with a Hispanic flair to the names and sometimes to the beers themselves.

This particular brew is part of their “Paletas” line, named after a Hispanic street food consisting of frozen fruit juices and spices.  5 Rabbit plans to produce several such beers in the coming years.  They’re intended to be wheat beers for drinking during warm weather.

The beer pours a very cloudy pink champagne color. It has a thin white head that dissipates fast. and leaves behind virtually no lacing.

Guava comes through in the aroma and mildly in the flavor. For the most part, the flavor is rather tart and malty. It’s not at all hoppy. The finish is clean. There seems to be a lot of carbonation.   Overall, it’s not what I’d expect for something named after the Hispanic equivalent of a popsicle.  It’s far too tart for my taste, though it’s not a bad beer.

Beer Advocate and Rate Beer have very few ratings for this one, given its limited reach.  Both give it something in the  70 out of 100 rating (if you calculate an average of what’s there as of this writing).  That’s a bit higher than my own 6 out of 10 rating, but more samples on their end might put the ratings into line.

This beer is sold in draft form only, and is something of a limited edition, so finding a bar or restaurant offering it may be difficult.  I tried this beer at The Daily Growler in Upper Arlington, but that was some time ago and it is probably no longer  available there.

Flavor Profile:
Sweet, Malty, Dry, Bitter, or Sour:  Sour
Spice Level:  Low
Hops Level:  Extremely Low
Dominant Flavors:  Tart guava, wheat
ABV: 3.5%
IBU:  16
My Rating:  5/10

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